Refund & Returns Policy

No Exchange No Return Policy

We do not offer any exchange or return option on any of the products sold by Easy Healing. There will be no refunds for any reason. All merchandise sold by Easy Healing is sold as – is without any guarantee. By making a purchase, you are confirming that you have read and understand our no refunds policy.

Cancellation by the Customer:

If unfortunately you have to cancel an order within 24 hours of placing an order OR if your order is not shipped, we will try our best to assist you with the refund. In such case of order cancellation your refund will be processed through same made of payment and you shall receive the refund into the source where you made payment. The refund shall realization in your source may take time upto 7-8 working days.

We appreciate if you inform us as soon as possible in case you do not want an order, so that we do not dispatch the order and save on the courier cost and the effort. To inform/contact us, please visit “Contact Us”.

If you cancel your order before your product has been dispatched, we will refund the entire amount (in case of pre-paid order).

If you cancel your order after your product has been dispatched, we will refund the amount after deducting the shipping charges ( in case of pre-paid order). Note that this applies in FREE SHIPPING OPTION also. This is because once the product is shipped, the courier company charges us the certain amount which we have to bare.

Cancellation by the reserves full rights and control to cancel any order at any given time.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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